Thursday, 1 June 2017

European bird eater wings

As you might know, to fly you have to catch lots of air under the wing (or at least a bit more than the amount above the wing) so that the air pressure is pushing you up and keeping you in the air. Well, when I saw a photo of a european bee eater, and it had an area in it's wing that did not have feathers.

So why is this gap here? Well one thought is that it might alow diferent parts of the wing to move up and down just like a planes flaps on it's wings. That would alow it too brake and use less energy when in flight.

Another thought is it might be like those flaps on parachutes. That would stop it's wings getting ripped of when it goes for a dive or goes at high speed. That way if the first and the second ideas are correct the european bee eater could go at alot higher speeds than other birds.

My last idea is that maby the bird was just born that way and it's not normal, the bird might have been attaked or hit a tree branch or last of all it wight be there to make it's wings wider.

Thank you.

european bee eater with gap

european bee eater with gap

european bee eater without gap


aironautics diagrame

Friday, 21 April 2017

Why do Galaxies form as a circle and not a sphere?

Most of the times when you look at a picture of a galaxy, you see it as a disc/circle thing with a bulge in the middle. Doesn't that seem a bit unnatural to you? Surely the galaxy's gravitational power would affect more then just a small section of the space around it. Right?

One idea I have which is very unlikely. It's that all the galaxies are pointing towards where the big bang occurred/the middle of the universe. The idea being that the big bang exploded and all the debris from the big bang flew of in lines/clumps flying in different directions. So when the gravity pulls all the matter together it forms a disc/circle instead of a sphere. And yes I know that is not logical but I'm just putting it out there.

An other idea which is a lot more likely is that some person has gone along and said these galaxies would look a lot nicer as a disc/circle and everyone has just gone along and copied that person.

The only problem about that idea is that I took a look at a map of our solar system and it looks like a disc/circle too. Apart from Pluto which orbits diagonally around the sun. So unless stars and black holes have an oddity that we don't know about in their gravitational pull, I'm not sure what is causing
this and it looks like we've stumbled across a new and unsolved mystery.

I also think that maybe the disc/circle shape is caused by dark matter pulling and shaping the galaxies and solar systems into a disc/circle shape.

Thank you for reading.

Our solar system

A galaxy

A different picture of a galaxy.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Why does a car wheel look like it's going backwards when at speed?

Why does a car wheel look like like it's going backwards when at speed? I'm not sure if another person has answered this, and they probably have. But still, I shall still share my theory with you.

Have you ever been driving down the freeway and you looked at an other car's wheel and it looked like it was going backwards? Well I have. And I have been thinking about it and now I think I know.

I expect that the car's wheel is traveling faster then we can process. I think instead of making us really really dizzy, I think we have found one group of scratches or marks looked for them again and again and again. Now whilst we're are looking for those marks the wheel is rotating. So when we find the marks the have done a rotation, but we are seeing it just before it passes the last spot we saw it. If that keeps on happening the marks will go further and further backwards.

 So that is why I think when we see a wheel going at speed, we think it is actually moving backwards.
Thank you and good bye. :)

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Life of a star.

The life of a star is something I already know and I would like to teach other people who want to know about the life of a star. 

A star is born from a nebula, (a cloud dust and gases including hydrogen and helium in space) That cloud eventually collapses under it's own gravitational pull. During that collapse the cloud gets hotter and hotter because of friction. Then eventually BOOM! The hydrogen and helium collide together and create nuclear fusion. That will continue to happen for millions of years. And whilst that is happening you have a star. But sadly your star will die. 

The star will run out of nuclear energy and collapse becoming hotter because of gravity. Now even through the star has run out of helium there will still be hydrogen so on the out side there will be hydrogen fusion forming a sphere around the core and the very hot inside will push that sphere out where it cools and forms a red giant.

Stars like our sun will continue ejecting their sphere until the core is exposed. Those stars are called white dwarfs. And if there is another star close by to that star it might pull hydrogen from the other star therefor turning into a new star. Sometimes, mostly massive white dwarfs (those near the 1.4 solar masses) may accumulat so much mass that they collapse and explode entirely, creating a supernova.

In the biggest stars, nuclear reactions create iron in the core. Having created this iron when it collapses it squishes that iron into an extremely small area and the outer layers of the star start to collapse along with the core, they then rebound releasing an enormous amount energy that explodes outward. Supernova release so much energy that for days, sometimes weeks that they can outshine galaxys!

If the collapsing core contains between around 1.4 and 3 solar masses, the collapse continues until electrons and protons combine to create neutrons and produce a neutron star. Neutron stars are extremely dense, like the density of an atomic nucleus. and because it contains so much mass squished into such a small area, the gravitational pull at the surface of a neutron star is immense. An like the white dwarfs, if a neutron star forms in a multiple star system it can accumulat gas by pulling it off nearby stars.

If the collapsed star is larger than three solar masses it completely collapses falling into an infinity small  area so it has a gravitational pull so strong that nothing can pull away not even light! The fasted thing in the universe!

Thank you for reading.
The End.

 Red giant
 White dwarf
Black hole

Thank you NASA for teaching me on

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Gravitational energy Theory

This is my most logical and best theory that I have ever created (yet). It is the theory of  "Gravitational energy".

As you probably know, the universe has one amount of energy never more, never less. In my theory of gravitational energy I propose that constant amount of energy that it uses to maintain it's size.

As you probably know, when something is compressed or has more matter in a smaller area it has a more powerful gravitational pull. Why?

What I propose is that when a object is compressed  or has more matter in a smaller area it no longer needs that energy that keeps it's size so that is transferred into gravitational energy. Therefore that object has more gravitational energy. Just like a star turning into a black hole.

First the star is really big and has strong gravitational pull then it turns into black hole. The black hole is indefinitely small but has impossibly strong gravitational pull.

And that is my theory of gravitational energy. I hope you like it.

The End


Black hole